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Selectmen Minutes 05/03/2016

 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Jim Plunkett, Craig McIntosh, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Zach Boyajian and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Ms. McIntosh explained to the Board that Mrs. Pike has requested that we approve an abatement for Map 9 Lot 6 in the amount of $21.16 for interest owed. The payment and the lien notice had crossed in the mail.

Mr. Jordan makes a motion to abate the $21.16 to Mr. Lagomarsino for interest owed. Mr. Jameson seconds. Motion passes.

Mr. Stock stated that he has some bills for two fires out of town as well as a bill for an illegal fire in town.  

The illegal burning bill was for 2 Staniels Rd.  Mr. Stock stated that when he arrived on scene the occupants did not have a burn permit and were very evasive about producing one. They did end up producing one, however, it was purchased after he had arrived on scene.  A bill was submitted and signed by the Selectmen.

The other two bills were for the seven alarm fire in Hooksett and a call in Barnstead.

Parks and Recreation-
Mr, Boyajian stated that they just had the Comcast Cares Day on April 30th, and it went very well.  Comcast donated approximately $1800.00 in materials as well as a monetary donation made per person that volunteered. Mr. Boyajian stated that they planted shade trees, did field cleanup, and started on the patio around new building that is underway.  

Mr. Boyajian also stated that the CYA is still selling engraved granite pavers for anyone who is interested.  

Parks and Recreation is working to get permission to use snow mobile paths as walking paths from local land owners.  

Mr. Boyajian asked Mr. Stock if it was possible to put grills in the picnic area at Carpenter Park.  

Mr. Stock stated it would be fine as long as its charcoal only.  He also mentioned that gas fired grills would be acceptable.  

Parks and Recreation is still waiting for Mr. Weir to contact them about picking up the log cabin on the property.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that Horse Corner Rd. has the base down and the top coat will be done Wednesday or Thursday. Mr. Plunkett stated that the compaction test came back good at 97%.  He is waiting for shimming quotes to come back.  

Mr. Plunkett wanted to make the Selectmen aware of a dead tree being taken down on Kelly Corner Rd.  He had sent the owner, Paul Adams a letter about removing it.  Mr. Plunkett stated that it was dangerous and would be removed shortly.  

The 2013 truck just came back from repair.  The majority of the work was covered under warranty.

Ms. Noel met with the builder and it will be another two weeks to produce the final plan and pull permits.  The project includes pavement and three handicap spaces.

The Library will be working on digging plants up and transplanting them to John Snow’s garden for the duration of the construction.

Other business-

Mr. Stock stated that he would like to submit a warrant article for an enclosed trailer for the mule and equipment for the next Town meeting.  He is looking into a 14/16 ft. trailer.

Mr. Jameson advised Mr. Stock to look into possibly using the grant writer.  

Ms. Noel stated that the Library would be saving the ramp for the Fire Department to use if they wanted to utilize it at the safety complex as they would not be needing it any longer.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                   Jeffrey Jordan                                                Tom Jameson